Tiliman’s Weblog

February 11, 2010

British TV Series Hustle predicted Oil Prices to be 150 dollars in 2006

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Hustle is a british TV series where a group of grifters steal money from greedy people by creating brilliant schemes. The 3rd episode of season 3 aired on 24th March 2006 predicted oil prices to reach 150 dollars a barrel in 2 years which would be around 2008 according to airing date of show. Ash and Stacey while presenting their predictions about Oil prices to a banker, convince him that in 2 years time the Oil will hit 150 dollars and all known reserves will be exhausted by 2020. We can’t say about 2020 but the oil prices prediction which were supposedly fake in episode came to be true.

OIL Historical Prices

OIL Historical Prices

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